sábado, 4 de junio de 2016


El agua de vida aparece dentro de su propio ciclo regente, Agua al Puente.
Buena fortuna
El agua pasa de una a otra jarra. Sabemos del poder de las formas del agua: lo hemos visto en el río de Heraclito (día 76), en los pescadores (día 25), en la memoria celular (día 75) en la gran ola (día 41). Aquí el agua surge en manantial, directamente de la fuente. Esta es el agua que alimenta la vida.

This is the water of life: the life that springs pure and clear from its origin.
We know, by now, the power of the water that keeps the memory and experience of generation into our cells (day 75), we have crossed Heraclyte's river (day 76), we have witnessed the transformational power of the syncronic wave (day 41), and also the deep and secret communication that happens in the subconscious (day25).
Now the sacred spring offers its water right into its own cycle WATER TO THE BRIDGE (please check the appropriate entry in the blog, in order to see the costume in action: it is a performative psychoalchemical act of redemption). 

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