martes, 14 de junio de 2016


La estirpe de Jardineras tiene la cualidad de ver hacia adelante, entender dónde colocar las semillas, diseñar el futuro.
Cuenta con una serie de herramientas para sostener ese futuro que sabe prever. Una de las herramientas de quien labra la tierra es el almanaque que le habla de lo que sucede en el cielo.
Solamente quedan siete días,  contando el de hoy, para finalizar #LaVuelta104.
Seremos capaces de sostener una idea durante siete días?  Llegaremos a Mongolia?
Paséate por este blog, revisa los últimos días, fíjate en el recorrido, sueña el futuro que queremos.
#jardineria #futuro #futuroposible #dia20 #solsticio

There are only 7 days left of this exercise we have been holding for 98 days now.
We have been building up a whole lot of energy, focusing in the future approaching, and now we are very close to the end.
This card is telling us about the many tools the Gardeners have in order to be able to do her work: design the future.
One of them is knowing what happens in the skies, that's why the almanacs have been so popular.
In this exercise, we are holding a vision: to get to Mongolia, as a metaphor for what seems excruciatingly difficult, almost absurd; but is possible. It is possible to do it collectively, if the energy is focused. What a great metaphor!
Are we able to make it happen in only 7 days?
Go to the blog, review the previous days. Get in touch with the earth.

#focus #collectivedream #possiblefuture #gardener #metaphor

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