sábado, 11 de junio de 2016


Perséfone bajó al bosque subterráneo y se encontró con las alimañas.
Así de raro cierra el ciclo Agua al Puente.
Conviene aprovechar el poder del agua y limpiar lo que toque limpiar, y abandonar lo que toque abandonar, para terminar #LaVuelta104 con hermosura. Mañana cambio de ciclo, y solamente quedan ocho cartas.
Bienvenido, final.

Yesterday Persephone went down to the underworld woods, and today she found some nasty bugs which need to be removed in order to end beautifully this whole 104 days journey... that is, in only 9 days.
This one is a card from the group of the Gardeners, who are able to forsee the future, and be just and fair with what needs to stay, and what needs to go. Choose, and be brave.

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